Campers Wake Up To Black Bear Staring Right Into The Tent At Glacier National Park


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Jun 22, 2023

Campers Wake Up To Black Bear Staring Right Into The Tent At Glacier National Park

Good morning… That’s not what you want to wake up to in the morning. Black bears will ruin your camping trip in a hurry. You forgot to put your cooler away? Say good bye to your favorite food… Garbage

Good morning…

That’s not what you want to wake up to in the morning. Black bears will ruin your camping trip in a hurry.

You forgot to put your cooler away? Say good bye to your favorite food…

Garbage left out? Have fun cleaning that up…

Got gasoline? Watch out, the bear will bite into the jerry can too.

These beasts just can’t help themselves. They are one of the most curious animals in North America, and one that can weigh up to 600 pounds. Nearly their entire life revolves around getting food, by any means necessary, and they prefer… as easy as possible.

That makes camping season a favorite for black bears all over the place.

Let’s be real, you go out camping, smash back a few cold ones and you just let things go that you probably shouldn’t. Like leaving your cooler out or even some garbage for the evening.

With a fantastic sense of smell, this naturally draws bears in and they are known to hang around common campsites searching for easy pickins.

These campers had the ultimate surprise walking up in their tent at Glacier National Park, Montana.

The video shows a black bear looking right in on the camper through only the screen of the tent. The campers, who wonderfully maintain their composure, calmly films as the bear peers in at him.

Skip the coffee, skip the cold shower… ain’t nothing will wake you up like staring down a bear at 7 in the morning.

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As beautiful as nature can be, it can be equally as brutal at times.

It’s no secret that bears are pretty relentless when it comes to hunting for food, especially mother bears whose sole job is to protect, feed, and teach her cubs until they’re old enough to go off on their own.

With that being said, bears are going to take what’s theirs (and even what’s not theirs), and there are very few creatures out there that stand a chance against them when it comes to survival.

It’s also not a secret that they’re going to go after the smallest, easiest kills available… the babies.

Take this video for instance, where a tourist films a grizzly bear tracking down a herd of elk at Yellowstone National Park.

The video is initially shot from a far distance, but you can see the grizzly is beginning to close in on one of the poor elk, and you realize pretty quickly the calf doesn’t have a chance. The bear finally catches up with it…. game over.

The video then transitions to an up close shot, where the grizzly is visibly mauling the elk, slinging it around while it’s clamped between the grizzly’s jaws. Horrified campers look on, but it doesn’t seem like they necessarily enjoyed their front row seat to nature.

Welp… welcome to Yellowstone ma’am.

Needless to say, the grizzly successfully takes home dinner for the night.

Check it out:

Although bears can be relentless when it comes to hunting down their prey, they can also be pretty damn cute as well, particularly newborn cubs.

The perfect combination of mischievous and curious, black bear videos pop up on the internet every other day, and they always seem to be up to no good in their own way.

Whether they’re picking up a GoPro and taking a selfie, scaling a rock wall or opening up a car door with people in the vehicle, it always makes very a very interesting video.

It’s almost hard to wrap your head around how smart they are.

Bear cubs are some of the cutest animals that run through the woods. There’s a lot of cute baby animals out there, but there’s just something about a black bear cub. I think it’s the fact they are incredibly small and just remind a person of a teddy bear.

It makes ya want to grab right ahold of one and pull it in for a hug even though that could end up being the worst mistake of your life. So, I don’t recommend that…

These bear cubs were caught by a security camera hanging out on someone’s front porch. They start to have a good old fashion sibling fight.

To bear cubs, play fighting is an extremely important way of learning. It teaches them young how to protect themselves and also fight back a bit. It also helps them gets stronger as they compete with each other.

The mother bear is seen in the background as the cute cubs duke it out for a couple minutes. The pair roll around and stand up biting at each other just having a good time and preparing for a life in the wild.

According to the owner of the house, they come around pretty often:

“Bears regularly visit my front porch and yard. They often get in my handyman’s truck and he has to wait for them to vacate before he can get back in.

Approximately 7 bears visit the area regularly.”

Keep that doorbell cam rolling… this is some great footage.

rock wallcar door“Bears regularly visit my front porch and yard. They often get in my handyman’s truck and he has to wait for them to vacate before he can get back in. Approximately 7 bears visit the area regularly.”